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Smiling head shot of President Loberger

The President's Report is your monthly FVL snapshot of what's happening on campus.

President's Report (online only)

Published monthly


favicon for the BEACON

The FVL BEACON has been shared with our Federation churches since the earliest days of our ministry. It includes important news, financial updates, and upcoming events of interest to Federation church members and our FVL Schools families.

BEACON (print & online)

Published in fall and spring


Legacy Magazine icon

The Legacy Magazine shares stories of FVL's ministry in action. Featuring longer articles that highlight the school, its programs, or our alumni, it is designed for graduates and other friends and supporters of the school.

FVL Legacy Magazine (print & online)

Published in December and July


Fox Tales Masthead Icon

You will see stories about FVL alumni and groups, updates about student activities and athletics, and a list of upcoming events. It is designed for alumni, supporters, and all who are interested in the FVL family. A monthly school news overview is still available in the President’s Report. It is worthwhile to subscribe to both emails! 

Fox Tales (online only)

Published monthly (est. Sept 2023)

Part of a saxophone with the word jazz

"I am a part of this group because I love music and I will always take the opportunity to play more music." This year's Jazz Ensemble will begin its performance season at Jazz Fest in January. 

Read More about Jazz Ensemble