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Religion and Social Studies

FVL's Religion and Social Studies Departments share the south hallway of the upper campus.


Religion classes offer the opportunity to focus on God's promises and find comfort in the forgiveness we have through Jesus. Our prayer is that our students will increase in their knowledge of Scripture and understanding for faith and life. The focus is to give all students a solid foundation in the Word by teaching the history of salvation and by equipping our students with tools to preserve and share their faith. 

Students have a wide range of experience in the Christian faith, and FVL offers classes to fit every level of knowledge a student may have.


  • 4 credits required to graduate
    • Religion courses are required every year. Our faith-based education is what sets FVL apart from other area schools.

Social Studies

The FVL Social Studies department offers courses in history, geography, economics, psychology, government, and contemporary issues. Students learn more about the world around them, how the past affects the present, and how to be a good steward of God's gifts. 


  • 3 credits required for graduation
    • Must include US History & US Government.
    • All seniors must pass the Civics Test according to Wisconsin Law Act 55.

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Meet Our Religion Team

Mr. Mark Eisenmann

Mr. Mark Eisenmann

Faculty (Business & FACE-PPA, Math, Religion)
Mr. Matt Koepsell

Mr. Matt Koepsell

Faculty (Religion, Social Studies)
Rev. Brad Krause

Rev. Brad Krause

Faculty (Religion), Coach (Football-JV1)
Rev. Stephen Lehmann

Rev. Stephen Lehmann

Faculty (Religion), Coach (Track & Field-V Girls)
Rev. Erich Schaser

Rev. Erich Schaser

Faculty (Religion)
Mr. Nathan Schleef

Mr. Nathan Schleef

Media Center Supervisor, Faculty (Latin-World Languages, Religion)
Mr. Peter Sehloff

Mr. Peter Sehloff

Faculty (Religion, Social Studies), Coach (Cross Country-V)
Mr. Mark Stein

Mr. Mark Stein

Athletic Director, Faculty (Religion)
Mr. Phil Stern

Mr. Phil Stern

Faculty (Religion, Tech & Engineering-PPA)
Rev. Dave Wenzel

Rev. Dave Wenzel

Administrative Pastor, Dept. Coordinator (Religion), Faculty (Religion), Coach (Basketball-V Girls)

Meet Our Social Studies Team

Mr. Joe Blum

Mr. Joe Blum

Admissions Director, Faculty (Social Studies), Advisor (Peer Leadership Group)
Mr. Craig Charron

Mr. Craig Charron

Guidance Director, Faculty (Social Studies), Gr 11-12 Guidance Counselor (A-E)
Mrs. Jill Dolan

Mrs. Jill Dolan

Faculty (Art-Fine Arts, Social Studies), Advisor (Outside the Lines-Art Club)
Mrs. Amy Gilmet

Mrs. Amy Gilmet

Assistant Dean of Student Life, Dept. Coordinator (Social Studies), Faculty (Social Studies), Advisor (C-bate)
Mr. Tom Guenterberg

Mr. Tom Guenterberg

Faculty (Business & FACE-PPA, Social Studies)
Mr. Shawn Hill

Mr. Shawn Hill

Activities Director, Faculty (Social Studies)
Mr. Matt Koepsell

Mr. Matt Koepsell

Faculty (Religion, Social Studies)
Mrs. Brenda Mears

Mrs. Brenda Mears

Faculty (Business & FACE-PPA, Social Studies)
Mr. Kyle Melso

Mr. Kyle Melso

Faculty (Social Studies, Spanish-World Languages), Advisor (National Honor Society)
Mrs. Renee Pastorek

Mrs. Renee Pastorek

Faculty (Science, Social Studies), Student Services
Mr. Peter Sehloff

Mr. Peter Sehloff

Faculty (Religion, Social Studies), Coach (Cross Country-V)
Mr. Jeffry Uhlenbrauck

Mr. Jeffry Uhlenbrauck

Dean of Student Life, Faculty (Social Studies), Advisor (Student Council), Coach (Softball-JV)
Mr. Daniel Vogel

Mr. Daniel Vogel

Faculty (Music-Fine Arts, Social Studies), Director (Choraliers)