Science and Math
Science and Math are gifts through which we can study God's creation! Courses at FVL are developed and taught in agreement with this core idea.
Biology, Physics, and Chemistry are recommended for most students planning on attending college.
- 3 credits required for graduation
- 3 credits required for college admission
- 2-3 lab science credits - includes Biology, Chemisty/College Chemistry, Physics/College Physics
College-bound students are considered qualified for college if they have taken and received satisfactory grades in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2/Trigonometry.
Higher-level institutions strongly prefer a math course beyond Algebra 2/Trigonometry (e.g., Pre-Calculus). Most colleges desire that a math course be taken during the senior year (e.g., Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, or Statistics).
- 3 credits required for graduation
- 4 credits required for college admission