Grade 11, 12
PREREQUISITE: Language Arts Foundation 2 (LAF2) or Literature and Communication 1, teacher recommendation
REQUIRED: in some cases
Student Services
The FVL Student Services Program exists to assist students who are challenged in aspects of academic success. Two tracks are offered: Special Education and Guided Studies.
The goal of each track is to help these students throughout their high school years while encouraging personal growth in academics. Our teachers will strive to equip them all to be successful learners with the gifts God has given them and to prepare them to be advocates for themselves and for Christ.
Special Education students may qualify for Wisconsin's Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP). This state-funded program covers the full tuition cost of eligible families. More information on the SNSP program is under the Paying for High School tab.
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Sara Zuberbier to make an appointment to discuss your student’s needs.
Special Education
Students with a disability are welcome at Fox Valley Lutheran High School. Enrollment in the Special Education program requires an Individual Education Plan (IEP), an Individual Service Plan (ISP), a Private School Services Plan (PSSP), or 504 Plan.
FVL will work to meet the needs of each student with a disability on an individual basis, by following--to the best of our ability--the accommodations and modifications listed in the student’s IEP, ISP, PSSP, or 504 Plan.
The FVL Special Education Program Offers . . .
- Modified courses
- Math
- Reading - In-class support
- Modified assignments (in coordination with classroom teachers)
- Homework tracking
- Organizational support through the use of our Planner and Google classroom
- Guided Study Hall (1 or 2 per day)
- Training in study skills
- Summary of the student's Learning Plan (IEP, ISP, PSSP, or 504 Plan) shared with each teacher
- Classroom accommodations from Learning Plan followed as closely as possible
- Testing accommodations from Learning Plan followed as closely as possible
- Support/Check-ins from Appleton Public School as written into ISP
Guided Studies
The Guided Studies program was established in 1999 and designed to meet the needs of students who entered high school behind their classmates in math and/or reading performance.
Candidates will be determined by the Student Services Coordinator, recommendations of their elementary school Principals, conferences with the student’s parents, and testing results.
The Guided Studies Program Offers . . .
- Modified Courses
- Math
- Reading - Homework tracking
- Organizational support through the use of our Planner and Google classroom
- Guided Study Hall (1 or 2 per day)
- Training in study skills
- Extra time on classroom assessments
- Classroom assessments in small group settings