Special Education Profile
Fox Valley Lutheran is committed to serving students with various needs including students with special education needs. Fox Valley currently serves students with autism, other health impairments,visual impairments, hearing impairments, specific learning disabilities, emotional behavior disabilities and speech/language impairments.
Fox Valley Lutheran addresses the needs of both those students who have gone through formal testing and have been identified with a special education need(s), as well as students who have not. Students who have special education needs as well as students who fall 2 or more grade levels below their peers academically have access to the following supports:
- Modified Individualized Math courses presented in a small group
- Modified English Language Arts courses
- Small Group Guided Study Hall
- Re-teaching
- Support in study skills
- Support in organization
- Individual accommodations met
- In class support across all academic areas
- Access to individual counseling with Christian Family Solutions trained counselors
Fox Valley Lutheran has students with IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) and/or ISP’s (Individual Service Plans). These students receive services weekly, monthly, or quarterly based on needs by Appleton Area Public School. In addition:
- The public school provides diagnostic specialists including but not limited to: school psychologists, special education teachers, speech and language pathologists, and social workers who evaluate and/or re-evaluate students on a individual basis at FVL to determine if they meet criteria for a disability, and if they need Special Education Services
- The public school will partner with FVL to ensure the students needs are being met, as well as share recommendations and services parents can utilize in the community.
- The public school works with FVL to come up with appropriate accommodations that are monitored by the public school and carried out by FVL.
Fox Valley Lutheran also serves students with 504 plans. 504 plans are documents that do not require tracking by the public schools, but document that students are receiving the proper accommodations and modifications to be successful in their high school career at FVL. These plans can be updated/adjusted as needed with agreement between the Director of Student Services and parents.
Staff Qualifications
9-12 Special Education Teacher
- BS in Education - Cross Categorical Special Education
- Crisis Prevention Intervention Certificate
- Teaching Experience 6 years
9-12 Regular Education Teacher
- BS in Education - PreK - 21
- MS in Education - Elementary Education 1-6
- Certified Reading Teacher PreK - 21
- Certified TESL Teacher
- Teaching Experience 25 Years
9-12 Regular Education Teacher
- BS in Education
- Teaching Experience 25 Years