Volunteer Service Program
Service Program Overview
FVL's Volunteer Service Program exists to offer students an opportunity to receive non-graded
transcript credit for service activities in which they participate. While enrolled at FVL, students may receive a credit for the time spent serving their Lord as Sunday School teachers, VBS teachers, volunteer activities at FVL, ushers, camp counselors and a variety of other unpaid activities. College admissions personnel and scholarship review committees consider volunteer activities as an increasingly important component of an applicant’s qualifications..
Biblical Basis
Gal. 6:10: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Program Guidelines
- Choose a service activity in your church, community, or at FVL. Be sure to obtain the contact information of the adult supervisor for that activity (including their email address).
- Log into your Mobile Serve Account to record and submit your volunteer hours. Once hours have been verified by your activity supervisor, a guidance counselor will review the information and approve volunteer hours.
Calculation of Volunteer Hours and Restrictions
- The number of volunteer activity hours determines the amount of service credits awarded on the student’s transcript. The hours are continuous over 4 years. Students will be given credit at 0.25 credit intervals. 25 hours = 0.25 credits. There is no limit on the number of credits a student can earn from volunteering.
- Hours approved from the end of the school year through the end of Semester 1 will appear on Semester 1 transcripts. Hours approved from the beginning of Semester 2 through the end of Semester 2 will appear on Semester 2 transcripts. Volunteer hours appear on your transcript as Service Activity credits.
- Any hours that are not verified by the end of the semester will be rejected.
- Seniors must have hours submitted and verified by May 1st for credit to be added to their Semester 2 transcripts.
- Students are encouraged to monitor volunteer hours monthly, during Naviance Training.
- Activities that are compensated (i.e. church organist), or where non-monetary gains are received (Fans of Foxes), do not qualify.
- You can include up to 3 hours of travel per volunteer activity.
- For extended opportunities (camps, mission trips), only hours spent volunteering will be counted.
- Additional information might be requested. Claims can not exceed 15 hours/day.
- Parents may only be used to verify activities when they were the direct supervisor. Students may not be a verifier.
Revised November 2023
Examples of
Volunteer Service
- Usher
- Sunday School Teacher/VBS Volunteer
- Camp Counselor
- Children's Museum
- American Cancer Society
- Special Olympics
- NHS/Peer Leadership Group/Student Council Activities
- Future Foxes Shadowing
- Tutoring
- Sports Manager