Getting Started

Is your child ready for learning, friendship, and fun? How about taking a class where they can grow in faith while experimenting with water-powered rockets? Or maybe they would enjoy being part of a hard-working team (sports, robotics, forensics, esports) that makes it to state?

Here at FVL, students can grow in knowledge of their Lord and His created world through their classes and activities. It is exciting to become more aware of God's hand in history, science and the arts, in languages and writing, and in the order and logic of math. All of our classes are taught in the light of God's unchanging Word, helping students more readily see His influence on the world and in our daily lives.

Take a tour or set up a student shadow by clicking the link above! If neither of those are good options for you right now, give us a call at 920-739-4441 or contact the Admissions Office.

We'd love to be able to show you around and give you more information!

Meadows with students

Joe Blum

Foxpaw divider

Admission Policy

Fox Valley Lutheran High School welcomes students from the Fox River Valley and from across the world. The majority of FVL's student body comes from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) churches of the Fox Valley Lutheran High School Federation. Homeschool students, students from other church bodies, and from foreign countries — along with students from other WELS congregations in northern Wisconsin — complete our student body.  


Church Membership . . .

For families who are not members of a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran (WELS) congregation, a meeting is scheduled to acquaint them with FVL's mission and purpose before enrolling. We welcome opportunities to serve the families of our community. This meeting is one way we can work with families to make sure they have all the information they need to determine if FVL is the right fit for their family's education needs. Meetings are scheduled at the family's convenience and are with a member of our Religion Department staff. 

Non-Discriminatory Policy

02 - Non-Discriminatory Policy

The Bible teaches that “God does not show favoritism” (Acts 10:34). Based on this passage and Biblical principles, and since the purpose of Fox Valley Lutheran High School is to educate teens for lives of service and for eternity, FVLHS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and tuition assistance, or athletic and other school-administered programs.


UPDATED 6/7/2021