Parents Page Introduction
Our Parents Page will be your key resource to get questions answered and to find up-to-date information while your child is a student at FVL. No login is needed.
Parent and student announcements, the school handbook, food service information, and handy payment details are all together on the Parents Portal. You will also find the link to log into Skyward Family Access to see grades.
On the desktop view, the Parents Portal link is at the top of every the web page (look for PARENTS), above the main menu tabs. If you are on a mobile device, click the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) and look at the bottom of the menu listing to find PARENTS.
Another resource to look for is the waffle menu. It is a grid of nine little boxes at the top right of the website. You can access calendars, SCRIP, faculty/staff contact information, and other frequently-viewed web pages.
The Students Portal provides access to forms, links, media center (library), student announcements, and additional references.
Welcome to FVL — we are glad you are here!