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Youth Sports Details

Girls Softball-Spring Clinic 2025


Fall Softball Clinic 2025

Registration is OPEN

This is a skills-driven softball clinic focused on hitting, throwing, fielding, base running, pitching, and catching. Girls will work with FVL high school coaches and players to learn and grow in their softball skills.

Register for Softball Clinic 2025


Divider graphic of fox paws


Date and Time

Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 1:00-4:00 PM


Fox Valley Lutheran High School
5300 N Meade St
Appleton, WI 54913

If the weather permits, this clinic will be held outdoors on the FVL varsity softball field. Athletes should dress accordingly-wear cleats or tennis shoes that can get dirty.

If the clinic must be held indoors, the clinic will be run in the gym. Plan to bring gym shoes, and enter through the Commons Entrance (Entrance K) on the east side of the school.

Athletes should bring their own glove.


Open to girls in grades 3-8


$30 per participant
Includes the operating cost of the clinic and a softball


Contact - Coach Anne Wilson
Office - 920-560-5145 (call)
Cell - 305-978-5618