FVL Class of 1968 (9/25/24)

FVL Class of 1968 (9/25/24)

FVL CLASS OF ‘68 —It’s time to get together!

It has been 6 years since we met. We have lost classmates since then, and
although some of us have stayed in touch with a few friends during those years,
it’s time for all of us to have an opportunity to renew old friendships. We have a
plan to make this possible and keep it simple.

  • What: Casual lunch for classmates and spouse/guest
    Order from the menu and pay on your own
  • Where: Pullmans on Trolley Square
    619 S. Olde Oneida St. Appleton, WI 54915
  • When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
    11:00 AM - Social time
    11:45 AM - Lunch

    Following lunch, everyone is invited to stay and visit for as long as you wish. Pullmans is on the Fox River—a beautiful setting and a great place to spend time with “old” friends.

Please pass this information along to anyone who may not have provided an
email address to us. Encourage your classmates to join us!

In order for us to give Pullmans an accurate count for lunch, please RSVP to one
of us by September 18. Thank you!

Kay Hinkens
(920) 450-4203

Linda Zimmerman
(920) 428-3129

Donna Palmeri

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