03 - Grading Scale

03 - Grading Scale

All courses in all departments will utilize the following scale unless otherwise dictated by a post-secondary dual credit arrangement (see course syllabus for more information).

Min % Max % Grade Grade Pt*
93.33 100.00 A 4.000
90.00 93.32 A- 3.667
86.67 89.99 B+ 3.333
83.33 86.66 B 3.000
80.00 83.32 B- 2.667
76.67 79.99 C+ 2.333
73.33 76.66 C 2.000
70.00 73.32 C- 1.667
66.67 69.99 D+ 1.333
63.33 66.66 D 1.000
60.00 63.32 D- 0.667
0.00 59.99 F 0.000

*Courses designated as “College” will receive a +0.334 grade point (GPA) boost to reflect the rigor of the class; however, the resulting GPA will not exceed 4.000.

  • The maximum score to be earned on any assignment will be 100%.
  • The minimum score for an accepted assignment will normally be 50%.

No single assessment (including a semester cumulative test) may be worth more than 20% of the total semester grade (except where dictated by dual credit arrangement).


UPDATED 5/1/2024

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