04 - Truancy

04 - Truancy

Students are considered truant when they miss or skip class without school approved parental permission. A vacation with an adult family member is not truancy.  

Truancy is a serious offense and will result in the following actions:

  • Students will be required to serve detentions equal to the amount of school time missed.  
  • Parent(s) will be informed of the truancy. 
  • Truancies will be noted on each student’s permanent cumulative record. 
  • A student who cuts classes, skips school, leaves without a building pass, or fails to bring in a valid excuse the next school day will receive one detention for each period missed up to eight for a full day.


Skipping class to work on homework or projects is considered in-house truancy. Students who are present in the building but do not report to their class are considered truant and are subject to discipline.


UPDATED 6/16/2023

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