Banned Substances
Students are forbidden from interacting with banned substances while enrolled at FVL.
Banned substances include, but are not limited to, alcohol, tobacco products (e.g., cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco), illicit or illegal drugs (e.g., marijuana, hallucinogens, inhalants, cocaine, heroin, misuse of prescription drugs), performance-enhancers (e.g., steroids, stimulants, masking agents), or other substances that are illegal to possess/use or banned from possession/use by local/state/federal authorities, FVL, the WIAA, or another applicable governing body.
Students are forbidden to possess, consume, or distribute banned substances. They are also forbidden to knowingly be present with others who possess, consume, or distribute banned substances.
Violation of this policy may result in detention or suspension from school and/or suspension from cocurricular participation, or possibly lead to expulsion. Additional consequences may apply for cocurricular participation based on individual program codes of conduct.
Warning for Adults Regarding Underage Drinking
The Wisconsin Social Host Law (Wis. Stat. sec. 125.07(1)(a)3) makes it illegal for adults to provide a location for underage drinking. “No adult may knowingly permit or fail to take action to prevent the illegal consumption of alcoholic beverages by an underage person on property, including any premises, owned and occupied by the adult or occupied by the adult and under the adult’s control.” The first offense may carry a fine of up to $500 (Wis. Stat. sec. 125.07(1)(b)). Additional offenses are considered criminal and could result in increased fines and/or imprisonment.
Banned Substances: Athletic Penalties
The following pertains to participation in athletics regarding banned substance policy violations.
A student who attends a gathering where a violation occurs and does not consume, possess, or distribute a banned substance and . . .
- leaves immediately after becoming aware of the violation and submits a self-referral, will receive NO PENALTY; or
- leaves immediately after becoming aware of the violation and cooperates with the investigation, will receive NO PENALTY; or
- tells the truth about staying for an extended time, may LOSE 10% OF COMPETITIONS; or
- lies about the incident, may LOSE 20% OF COMPETITIONS.
A student who does consume, possess, or distribute a banned substance and . . .
- submits a self-referral admitting to the violation, may LOSE 20% OF COMPETITIONS; or
- tells the truth and cooperates with the investigation, may LOSE 33% OF COMPETITIONS; or
- distributes the substance or knowingly hosts a gathering where a violation occurs, may LOSE 50% OF COMPETITIONS, or
- lies about the incident, may LOSE 50% OF COMPETITIONS.
In the case of multiple offenses while enrolled at FVL . . .
- 2nd Offense - Percent of competitions lost is DOUBLED.
- 3rd Offense - 365-DAY SUSPENSION from the date of the disciplinary decision.
- 4th Offense - LIFETIME BAN from ALL cocurricular participation.
Additional penalties clarifications for athletics
- Lost days of competition apply to any and all concurrent athletic seasons.
- Percent loss of competitions will be based on the total number of days of competition in the regular season, with a minimum of one day of competition lost. All calculations will be rounded down to the nearest day of competition.
- A date of return will be provided for the student where possible. Changes to the competition calendar outside of the athlete’s control, such as weather postponements or cancellations, shall not extend the penalty’s length.
- Per WIAA regulations, a student who is not allowed to participate in a postseason competition will be ineligible for the remainder of that tournament series.
- Penalties for offenses that occur out-of-season will be applied to the next regular athletic season in which the student participates.
- In the event that a season ends before a loss of competition penalty is fulfilled, the remaining penalty will be prorated and applied to the next athletic season in which the student participates.
- All penalties incurred will be carried over to subsequent seasons as needed until fully complete or 365 days have elapsed (whichever occurs first).
Banned Substances: Penalties for Activities with Scheduled Competitions
The following pertains to participation in activities with scheduled competitions (e.g., Math Team, eSports, VEX, Forensics, Trap) or theater activities* (e.g., Fall Play, Musical) regarding banned substance policy violations.
A student who attends a gathering where a violation occurs and does not consume, possess, or distribute a banned substance and . . .
- leaves immediately after becoming aware of the violation and submits a self-referral, will receive NO PENALTY; or
- leaves immediately after becoming aware of the violation and cooperates with the investigation, will receive NO PENALTY; or
- tells the truth about staying for an extended time, may LOSE 10% OF COMPETITIONS*; or
- lies about the incident, may LOSE 20% OF COMPETITIONS*.
A student who does consume, possess, or distribute a banned substance and . . .
- submits a self-referral admitting to the violation, may LOSE 20% OF COMPETITIONS*; or
- tells the truth and cooperates with the investigation, may LOSE 33% OF COMPETITIONS*; or
- distributes the substance or knowingly hosts a gathering where a violation occurs, may LOSE 50% OF COMPETITIONS*; or
- lies about the incident, may LOSE 50% OF COMPETITIONS*.
*Theater activities are unique because performances come at the end of the season. Penalties may include the loss of rehearsal or performance days (instead of competitions), depending on when the violation occurred. In consultation with the administration, directors may also change or remove a student from a role or part due to the loss of rehearsal or performance days.
In the case of multiple offenses while enrolled at FVL . . .
- 2nd Offense - Percent of competitions lost is DOUBLED.
- 3rd Offense - 365-DAY SUSPENSION from the date of the disciplinary decision.
- 4th Offense - LIFETIME BAN from ALL cocurricular participation.
Additional penalties clarifications for activities with competition season
- Lost days of competition apply to any and all concurrent activities with defined seasons.
- Percent loss of competitions will be based on the total number of days of competition in the regular season, with a minimum of one day lost. All calculations will be rounded down to the nearest day.
- Percent loss of rehearsals or performances will be based on the total number of days in the theater season. These normally begin on the first day of rehearsal and end on the last day of performances. All calculations will be rounded down to the nearest day.
- A date of return will be provided for the student where possible. Changes to the competition calendar outside of the student’s control, such as weather postponements or cancellations, shall not extend the penalty’s length.
- Penalties for offenses that occur out-of-season will be applied to the next cocurricular activity in which the student participates.
- In the event that a season ends before a loss of competition penalty is fulfilled, the remaining penalty will be prorated and applied to the next activity season in which the student participates.
- All penalties incurred will be carried over to subsequent seasons as needed until fully complete or 365 days have elapsed (whichever occurs first).
Banned Substances: Penalties for Activities with No Defined Season
The following pertains to participation in activities with no defined season (e.g., Student Council, NHS, PLG, Choraliers, Jazz Ensemble, SALT, Cross & Crown, American Mentor Group, FBLA, Perspective, C-Bate, Outside the Lines) regarding banned substance policy violations.
A student who attends a gathering where a violation occurs and does not consume, possess, or distribute a banned substance and . . .
- leaves immediately after becoming aware of the violation and submits a self-referral, will receive NO PENALTY; or
- leaves immediately after becoming aware of the violation and cooperates with the investigation, will receive NO PENALTY; or
- tells the truth about staying for an extended time, may LOSE 30 DAYS OF PARTICIPATION; or
- lies about the incident, may LOSE 60 DAYS OF PARTICIPATION.
A student who does consume, possess, or distribute a banned substance and . . .
- submits a self-referral admitting to the violation, may LOSE 60 DAYS OF PARTICIPATION; or
- tells the truth and cooperates with the investigation, may LOSE 90 DAYS OF PARTICIPATION; or
- distributes the substance or knowingly hosts a gathering where a violation occurs, may LOSE 120 DAYS OF PARTICIPATION; or
- lies about the incident, may LOSE 120 DAYS OF PARTICIPATION.
In the case of multiple offenses while enrolled at FVL . . .
- 2nd Offense - Days of participation lost is DOUBLED.
- 3rd Offense - 365-DAY SUSPENSION from the date of the disciplinary decision.
- 4th Offense - LIFETIME BAN from ALL cocurricular participation.
Additional penalties clarifications for activities with no defined season
- “Days of participation” refers to all calendar days spanning the penalty.
- Lost days of participation apply to any and all concurrent activities without defined seasons.
- A date of return will be provided for the student where possible.
- Penalties for offenses that occur out-of-season will be applied to the next cocurricular activity in which the student participates. Days of participation lost that extend beyond June 15 will be carried over to the new school year beginning August 10.
- All penalties incurred will be carried over to subsequent activities as needed until fully complete or 365 days have elapsed (whichever occurs first).
Banned Substances: Self-Referral
In the event that a student attends a gathering where a banned substance violation occurs or consumes or possesses a banned substance, the student may submit a self-referral with the following conditions:
- Online self-referral form must be submitted by the end of the next day after the incident occurs (found on student laptop and website).
- Form must include the date of the incident, time of arrival and departure where applicable, a short summary of the incident, and the location (the location is optional for students who did not commit a violation).
- A follow-up meeting will be initiated with the Dean or Assistant Dean of Student Life to determine if further action may be required.
Disciplinary Appeal Process
In an effort to partner with families, we recognize there may be disagreement regarding disciplinary action taken by the FVL Administration. Caregivers, therefore, have the right to appeal that decision within 48 hours of receiving notice of the disciplinary action.
Appeals must be submitted to the President in written form through letter or email ( Appeals must clearly state why the caregiver feels FVL’s policy was improperly applied to the action taken.
The Board-appointed Appeals Committee (President, Administrative Pastor, and two Board of Regents representatives) is responsible for reviewing all disciplinary appeals, and in its sole discretion, may forward the matter to the full Board of Regents.
Results of the appeal will be communicated to the family within 48 hours of the decision by the committee or full board. All decisions made by or on behalf of the Board of Regents are final.
Regarding Spiritual and Mental Health Support
Spiritual and mental health services may also be utilized to support students involved with banned substance violations. Those may include pastoral counseling, individual or group guidance counseling, clinical counseling, or other rehabilitative services.
Athletes ending a season on suspension will not receive FVL awards and will not be eligible to be nominated for post-season honors. Athletes missing a portion of the season due to suspension but finishing in good standing will receive FVL awards and may or may not receive post-season honors.
WIAA Regulations
A student who transfers schools with a status of ineligibility is suspended for the same period as decreed by the former school.
Suspensions occurring during WIAA tournament competition will result in suspension for the remainder of the tournament.
Practice, Tryouts, and Cuts During Suspension
- Any suspension equal to or less than 25% of a season will allow the athlete to practice and prepare for competition.
- Any suspension greater than 25% of the season will have the athlete begin practice when the coach feels it is in the best interest of the team for the athlete to begin practice.
- Any athlete suspended for a portion of the season may be cut. Even though a player is suspended 25% or 50% of a season, a coach may—in consultation with the school administration—decide it is better to have another athlete 100% of the season and cut the suspended player. This is applicable when teams are limited with cuts such as basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, etc.
- Any time a suspended athlete, who is practicing with the team, is making it difficult on the coach and/or team, the coach may request the school administration to assist in removing the athlete from the team.
- If an athlete is suspended for 100% of a season, he/she may be allowed to practice, but only if a meeting has taken place involving the Athletic Director, Head Coach, athlete, and his/her parents. In this case, the decision to allow the player to participate in practice and any ground rules that are established will be set up by the Head Coach, in consultation with the Athletic Director, and must be agreed to by the player and parents.
Student Behavior
The school administration can assign penalties and exclude a student from representing the school for conduct in or out of the school that reflects discredit on FVL and its mission or creates disruptive influence in discipline, Christian standards, educational environment, or good order for students attending FVL. Examples of behaviors not mentioned in the training rules but needing administration consideration for penalties may include such acts as vandalism, shoplifting, disorderly conduct, sexual misconduct, and the like. Violations of state or federal laws would also warrant consideration for suspension from athletics. Student misconduct may be personally witnessed acts but may also include but not be limited to social networking activities, internet postings, electronic or other forms of communication.
UPDATED 05/03/2024