08 - Social Activities

08 - Social Activities

Various social activities are sponsored by FVL and are regulated by the Student Council and its advisors. Homecoming is the major social event of the fall. Eight girls (one freshman, one sophomore, one junior, and five seniors) are chosen by their classmates to make up the court. One of the senior girls is elected as queen.

Prom is the major social event of the spring. The Prom Court is made up of five senior boys nominated by their classmates. One of them is elected as king. Only FVL juniors and seniors may attend the Prom Dance. Sophomores and approved guests from other schools may attend as dates of upperclassmen. Freshmen in high school may not attend Prom. 

Students wishing to be considered for Court must meet the following criteria:

  • Show positive school spirit     
  • 2.5 GPA     
  • No suspensions from the time of nomination until the Dance  
  • Is participating, has participated, or is planning on participating in an extracurricular activity (Sports team, club, leadership organization, band, choir, theatre...)

Any students who have been suspended for training rules violations during the previous 365 days may not be a representative or serve as an escort or emcee at the next eligible Frolic, Homecoming or Prom Court.   

FVL students may bring one guest to a dance. FVL does not allow any guests who are currently in grade or middle school. FVL does not allow guests that are 21 or older. The FVL student is responsible for their own behavior and dress and the behavior and dress of their guest.  

For FVL students and guests, the following dress code guidelines will be enforced at all formal dances (Homecoming, Prom).  FVL has worked very hard to develop a dress code that would work for all of our students. When it comes to modesty, there are some dresses that might be fine for one student but would not work for another student. To be consistent we have put in place the following guidelines.

  • Girls
    • Make sure that your dress brings attention to your warm smile and Christian personality. 
    • All necklines must be modest. Dresses with plunging necklines are not permitted. All necklines must fully cover from armpit to armpit.
    • Dresses may have spaghetti straps, halter type tops, cold shoulder, or may be strapless as long as they meet the neckline requirement.
    • Dresses with sheer panels or cutouts are not allowed.
    • Two-piece dresses are acceptable as long as there is no gap between the top and bottom piece.
    • Dresses should be no shorter than 4” above the knee. If a dress has a slit, the slit must be no shorter than 4” above the knee.
  • Boys
    • Shirt and tie are required. 
    • Dress suit or jacket is preferred. 
    • A tuxedo is optional.
    • Jeans of any kind are not acceptable.
    • Dress shoes are preferred.
  • Parents of FVL students attending Homecoming/Prom
    • Please review and enforce these dress code regulations.  
    • Please be aware of and approve of the plans that your son/daughter/date has for their after-Homecoming/Prom activities.


Romans 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a loving sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”

Failure to comply with any of these guidelines will result in the student/guest not being admitted to the dance. If you have any questions, contact the Dean of Student Life.


UPDATED 5/3/2024

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