FVL believes a family’s tuition payment is an investment in Christian education. The school is owned and operated by a Federation of churches in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) that assumes a portion of the operating cost of the school. Annual tuition and fees are set in February at the FVL General Board meeting. Students from the community whose families are not members of Federation congregations are charged the approximate cost per student. A discount is offered to same-family siblings who attend concurrently.
Tuition rates for students whose families are members at FVL Federation churches are charged a lower rate because these churches contribute significant funds to support FVL’s ministry. The oldest enrolled student from a Federation family receives a credit to reflect the church’s financial support. Concurrently enrolled students from the same family receive an additional credit.
Students who legally reside in a public school district not adjacent to the Appleton School District (ASD) receive a transportation stipend from the adjacent district. Students who live outside a district adjacent to ASD, receive a credit toward transportation costs that is determined annually by the General Board. Federation students from Neenah, New London, Green Bay, and their surrounding districts do not receive this credit because FVL provides busing, and the cost is part of their tuition.
UPDATED 5/12/2022