- Block Schedules
- All Daily Schedules
- Fans of Foxes Volunteering Policy
- Piano Lessons for your child
Piano Policies & Link to Enroll (tab P30 below) - WI Tax Deduction Info
- Please have your child talk to a Guidance Counselor to receive peer tutoring.
Payment Links
- FACTS Login - Tuition Payment
- Pay K12 - Sports, Activity Fees, Senior Ads, Parking Permit, Misc.
- e-Funds login - Food Service Payment
- Tuition & Other Payments (information and links)
Announcements - Push Notifications & Parent Announcements on the App
For your convenience, the app's push notifications are below. Push notifications include the highlighted or most time-sensitive parent announcements (they are a subset of parent announcements).
Click to open the app in a new window
Please scroll down to tab P1 (FVLHS News app information) for more details about the app and the helpful information that it puts at your fingertips.
Student Announcements
Student Announcements
The athletic training room: They are collecting old socks. Mismatched, holes anywhere in the sock-please, bring them into the AT room-we will recycle them through Terracycle. Smart wool has combined with them to breakdown old socks and make new socks. Then, we can also collect points to donate to other causes. We have collected 40 pounds of socks, so far! Let's do more!
International Students & American Mentors: Please meet in the FACE room right after school for your activity. Please leave everything in your locker until after the event. See Mrs. U with questions!
Lost & Found: Lost something? Check the Lost & Found tables. Anything not claimed by 2/11 will be donated to the Bargain Garden.
Yearbook Staff: Meet Tuesday after school.
Speed & Agility workouts: Tuesday morning at 6:30 in the gym and Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in the sports center.
Math Team Practice: Wednesday at 3:25 in room 2504.
- Resources -
School Calendar
School Calendar
Host Family Resources
Forms/Documents from Host Family Success Book
- First Week Checklist (PDF)
- Household Ground Rules Worksheet (PDF)
- Monthly Host Family & Student Review (PDF)
Additional International Student Forms
- P1 Parent Announcements - FVLHS News App
- P2 - School-Year Attendance Procedures (Who to Contact)
- P10 - Office and Information About Dances
- P11 - ATHLETICS - Required Reading (Every Year)
- P12 - ATHLETICS - Required Forms (Every Year)
- P13 - ATHLETICS - Frequent Parent Questions
- P14 - Find Tuition Balance
- P15 - SKYWARD - How to Log In
- P16 - SKYWARD - Set Skylert & Email Preferences
- P17 - SKYWARD - Downloadable App
- P18 - STOPit App - Anonymous reporting of bullying, threats, or self-harm
- P19 - Christian Family Solutions - Letter to Parents
P1 Parent Announcements - FVLHS News App
Get the App & Rating Info
Parent announcements are shared on the FVLHS News app. You can view the information on your desktop or can download the app through the Apple App Store or Google Play. Push notifications (which include highlighted or time sensitive Parent Announcements) are sent on Sunday afternoons to devices (with notifications enabled) which have installed the FVLHS News app.
The FVLHS News App includes access to an athletics section, class schedules, student announcements, parent announcements, and more.
Rating on the Apple App Store
The app rating on the Apple App Store is 17+ (mature) because the app grants access to the FVL YouTube channel, social media, website and the online calendar. This access enables users to navigate to any page on the internet which requires a rating of 17+ on the Apple App Store.
P2 - School-Year Attendance Procedures (Who to Contact)
If a student is sick or going to be late, a parent must contact the school prior to the start of the school day, either via:
- Phone call - 920-739-4441
- Email -
- Absence Request via Skyward
For family trips, college visits, or doctor appointments that will force a student to miss a day or a partial day, students are to submit a Pre-Planned Absence Form OR the parent can submit an Absence Request in Skyward Family Access.
The Pre-Planned Absence Form is available in the School Office or online (linked on the Student Portal).
P10 - Office and Information About Dances
All families are required to submit forms for every returning student every year as a part of the re-enrollment process. These forms are available as of mid-July.
To access and complete the forms . . .
- Log into Skyward Family Access.
- Click "Online Forms."
Deadline . . .
- All students must complete the Handbook Agreement by Orientation Day or the first day of fall sports practice (whichever comes first).
Pre-Planned Absence Form (PDF)
Acceptable reasons for absence (Click the handbook section title below).
Medication Consent Form (PDF)
Required if prescription medicine is brought to school. -
Authorization for Administration of Inhaled Asthma Medication (PDF)
Required if student needs inhaler at school.
Reduced Price Meals Application.
A new online form must be submitted for each school-year.
For more information about food allergies, contact the food service provider representative, Stephanie Cowling, RD at 920-997-1399 x 2313
- Allergy With Disability (PDF)
- Allergy Without Disability (PDF)
Dance Information
Homecoming Dance
Homecoming Dance - September 28, 2024
- WHEN - Saturday, September 28, from 8-11 PM
- WHERE - FVL Commons
General Information:
- The cost of the dance is $15/person and will be paid in cash at the door; please bring your School ID with you to scan into the dance.
- If you leave the dance before 11 PM, you will need to sign-out at the Canteen with one of the teachers.
- Students may bring 1 guest to the dance. The guest cannot be in middle or grade school, and they also cannot be over 21.
- The FVL Student is responsible for their own behavior as well as the behavior of their guest.
- The FVL Student is also responsible for informing their guest of FVL's Dress Code.
Dress Code:
The dance Dress Code is on pages 41-42 of the handbook.
- Necklines must be from armpit to armpit.
- Sheer panels or cut-outs are not permitted.
- Two-piece dresses are acceptable as long as there is no gap between the top and bottom pieces.
- Dresses should not be more than 4 inches above the knee.
- A shirt and tie are required.
- Dress suit or jacket are encouraged.
- Jeans are not acceptable.
Sadie Hawkins Dance - January 27, 2024
Sadie Hawkins Dance - January 27, 2024
- WHEN - Saturday, January 27, from 7-10 PM
- WHERE - FVL Commons
General Information:
- The doors close at 8 PM; no one will be let in after that time.
- The cost of the dance is $10/person and will be paid in cash at the door; bring your School ID with you to scan into the dance.
- If you leave the dance before 10 PM, you will need to sign out at the Canteen with one of the teachers.
- The theme for the Sadie Hawkins Dance is Outer Space/Neon/Blacklight!
- Please make sure you are dress code compliant for the dance; Dance Dress Code can be found on page 39 of the handbook.
- Students may bring 1 guest to the dance. The guest cannot be in middle or grade school, and they also cannot be over 21.
- The FVL Student is responsible for their own behavior as well as the behavior of their guest.
- The FVL Student is also responsible for informing their guest of FVL's dress code.
Prom - May 4, 2024
Prom - May 4, 2024
Prom Dance - Downloadable Info (PDF)
- WHEN - Saturday, May 4, from 8-11 PM
- WHERE - Buttes des Mortes Country Club
General Information:
- The cost of the dance is $20/person and will be paid in cash at the door; please bring your School ID with you to scan into the dance.
- If you leave the dance before 11 PM, you will need to sign out with one of the teachers.
- Students may bring 1 guest to the dance. The guest cannot be in middle or grade school, and they also cannot be over 21.
- The FVL Student is responsible for their own behavior as well as the behavior of their guest.
- The FVL Student is also responsible for informing their guest of FVL's Dress Code.
Dress Code:
The dance Dress Code can be found on page 39 of the handbook.
- Necklines must be from armpit to armpit.
- Sheer panels or cut-outs are not permitted.
- Two-piece dresses are acceptable as long as there is no gap between the top and bottom pieces.
- Dresses should not be more than 4 inches above the knee.
- A shirt and tie are required.
- Dress suit or jacket are encouraged.
- Jeans are not acceptable.
P11 - ATHLETICS - Required Reading (Every Year)
PDF Documents
- WIAA Eligibility (PDF)
- Info Bulletin (PDF)
- WIAA Rules at a Glance (PDF)
- Concussion Fact Sheet
for Parents (PDF) - Concussion Info -
When in doubt, sit them out! (PDF)
Training Rules
Training Rules from the FVL handbook are linked below. Click the title to trigger a pop-up with the training rules.
P12 - ATHLETICS - Required Forms (Every Year)
Submit your required forms before the first day of practice. Please submit to the School Office rather than to your coach.
Required for All Athletes
1 - Physical/Alternate Year Card
for 2024-25
- Physical (PDF) (from April 1, 2024 or later) OR
- Alternate Year Card (PDF) if your physical was between April 1 2023 and March 31, 2024, AND FVL has a copy of that physical on file.
2 - Handbook Agreement
Complete the Handbook Agreement in your Skyward Family Access account. You will be notified when this is ready - it is usually in mid-July.
3 - WIAA Rules of Eligibility
Complete the WIAA Rules of Eligibility in your Skyward Family Access Account. You will be notified via email when the form is ready (usually mid-July).
Additional Forms
- Athletic Interest form (not required, but helps coaches keep you informed)
- Wrestling Skin Condition Medical Form (PDF)
Failure to submit required forms will result in loss of eligibility to practice or compete.
P13 - ATHLETICS - Frequent Parent Questions
How do I get my athlete to the trainer? Is it the coach who takes them to the trainer? The parents? The athlete?
The answer is all three can do it. The goal is to get to the point where the athlete feels comfortable talking to the trainer and being an advocate for themselves. Parents are certainly welcome to contact the trainer for any issues they would like to discuss. The coach only needs to be informed about what is going on. The trainer will then talk to the coach and give the information needed on the athlete’s condition.
Do families of volunteer coaches have canteen responsibilities?
No. If you are a coach of a sport the booster club oversees, you are doing enough and giving up enough already. We do not expect our coaches or their families to volunteer extra time in the canteen or the Foxes Locker.
When are Fans of the Foxes meetings?
They are typically the third Monday of the month (except, December, May and July). We will have a message out in a few weeks specifically inviting more people to join us for these meetings to offer input. Please look for the message and see how you can help the booster club better support the programs we have.
What if I plan to take my athlete home from every game?
It is best to fill out the travel release form and put that as the option. You could also email that to the Activities Director and we will put them on the correct list. Easiest for all to just do it on the form though.
Is there a requirement for host families of International Students to work canteen hours?
Does taking tickets for football, volleyball and basketball count as volunteer hours?
Yes. Anything that you sign up for on the Fans of Foxes Volunteering link counts. If it’s not on there, it won’t count.
Can we volunteer for a sport that isn’t our child’s sport?
Absolutely! There is no reason that you should have to work in the canteen while your child is playing. You have a full year to complete your requirements. If your son is in boys soccer right now. You can take the fall off and just enjoy his games. Then you can work in the winter for basketball.
Can my child work for the volunteer hours?
Strongly encouraged! If they are high school age, we welcome them and very much encourage parents to use them to fill the hours. We don’t want to put the burden solely on the parents to complete responsibilities. You can pretty much use anyone to do the work for you (high school age or older). When they sign in, they just need to indicate who should receive credit (what athlete) for the hours worked.
When will the volunteer sign-ups be available?
You should all have the link to the volunteer sign-up from the email that was sent out at the end of last week. Work is being done to populate the games in the sign-ups. Please check periodically for games to be added in the sign up. Thanks!
P14 - Find Tuition Balance
- The "All Payments" tab displays a record of what has been paid and what is still owed for all of your enrolled students.
- The "Fee Activity" tab displays the financial information for one of your students (the student name is at the top left of the screen).
P15 - SKYWARD - How to Log In
Login Steps for new families and for returning families having trouble.
- As of JULY 15, Skyward Family Access is ready for all new families to log in.
- Go to Skyward Family Access.
- Click on the "Forgot your Login/Password" link.
- Enter the email address you used to complete your online application, and follow the prompts.
- Having troubles with login?
Try disabling the pop-up blockers on your computer. - Do you have more questions?
Ask your student's mentor your questions during the home visit, or phone the School Office 920-739-4441.
P16 - SKYWARD - Set Skylert & Email Preferences
Set Skylert Preferences
Log into your Skyward Family Access account and click "Skylert" in the left column. Update the information to reflect your communication preferences.
Skylert is the system FVL uses to alert parents about weather delays and cancelations.
Set Email Notifications
- Log into Skyward Family Access.
- Find the "My Account" link in the top right corner of the web page.
- Below the "Account Settings" and "Address" titles, you will find "Email Notifications." You can choose to have notifications of grades and low food service balance sent to your email address.
Be sure to check out the handy links in the left column when you are logged in!
P17 - SKYWARD - Downloadable App
Skyward provides families with an app that you can use to access information on your phone. This is very convenient when you are attending Parent / Teacher conferences, as you will be able to view the most up-to-date information about your child on the app.
Skyward has a free app for handy mobile use.
P18 - STOPit App - Anonymous reporting of bullying, threats, or self-harm
Fox Valley Lutheran High School has enrolled with STOPit to offer students a safe and anonymous way for them to report anything of concern to the administration. This includes bullying, cyberbullying, threats of violence, or self-harm. Through STOPit, students are empowered to share information that will keep them and the rest of the FVL Foxes safe.
Anonymous reports can include text, photos, or video, allowing the administration to have the needed information to address issues promptly.
STOPit was established in 2013, and is currently used across the country as a tool to keep our students and schools safe.
P19 - Christian Family Solutions - Letter to Parents
Dear Parent or Guardian,
More than ever, parents, teachers, and school counselors will need to partner to help students
who struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and behavioral issues stemming from
underlying mental health conditions.
Through a partnership with your school, Christian Family Solutions (CFS) has a counselor on
site to help children who may be exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, depression, attention deficit,
impulse control, or a variety of other mental health and behavioral issues. CFS combines the
unconditional love of Jesus with effective counseling strategies. Students who have accessed
counseling services in the past have been able to become more focused, resilient, and ready to
learn. Most importantly, they are reassured that they are dearly loved children of God, no matter
what their challenges or circumstances.
The services of Christian Family Solutions are clinical mental health services. Should your
child or teen need services, your school administration will inform you of the recommendation.
The school administration will then ask you to complete the required consent forms to begin
seeing the counselor. You may also request services for your child/teen. Talk with your school
Guidance Counselor or Dean of Student Life about how to engage our services.
We are privileged to serve your school and your family. We are blessed by this partnership
and by the relationships we build with the students we serve. We pray that we can be a
supportive resource to them and to you as well.
Warm regards,
Whitney Donovan
School Partnership Program Manager
“We love because He first loved us.”
– 1 John 3
Additional info and resources
- P20 - Naviance - What is it?
- P21 - Grading / Report Cards
- P22 - Laptop FAQ
- P23 - Helpful Internet Resources for Families
- P24 - Food Service Provider
- P25 - Helping Your Child Succeed
- P26 - Internet Safety Tips
- P27 - Parent / Teacher Conference Discussion Questions
- P28 - Whom Should I Call?
- P29 - Obtain Work Permit for My Child
- P30 - Piano Lesson Policies and Link to Enroll
P20 - Naviance - What is it?
Fox Valley Lutheran High School is dedicated to assisting students in finding and exploring career choices that fit with their personalities and interests. One tool that is used is the nationally recognized Naviance College and Career Readiness program. Naviance enables students (and parents) to easily access college and career information, keep a record of their volunteer and cocurricular activities, learn about available scholarships, and more.
Parents can contact the Guidance Office to receive Naviance login information.
In-School Training
To assist our students (and their parents) in making the best use of Naviance and in their career search, the Guidance Office schedules annual in-school training sessions for each grade.
P21 - Grading / Report Cards
- Please refer any questions concerning the grading system to the Guidance Director.
- Grades are shared with families through Skyward Family Access.
- More information can be found under the Attendance and Academic Policy sections of the handbook for details about grading and attendance.
Failing Grades
A failing final mark in any required course must be made up in order to receive a diploma. Failure to make up a required course or to earn the total required credits means a student will receive a certificate of attendance instead of a diploma.
Report Cards / Final Grades
All semester, term, and midterm progress reports are available only online through Skyward Family Access program. Login access is shared when a teacher does a home visit before school begins.
Only final semester grades become part of the student's permanent record and determine a student's class rank and honor roll status.
P22 - Laptop FAQ
- What does 1-to-1 mean?
The term "1-to-1" refers to each student being supplied with a laptop computer by FVL as part of their tuition. Every student who attends FVL will receive a laptop for use at school and home.
- Can students take their laptops home?
Yes. During the school year, students will be expected to bring their devices home after school hours. They will be expected to have their laptop fully charged and ready for classes each day.
- What kind of laptop will students receive?
All students will receive a Windows laptop with a touchscreen. The laptops run Windows and will have the Microsoft Office suite and other necessary software for classes installed.
- What accessories are necessary for the laptops?
Students will be issued a case, a charger, and a stylus pen. If any school issued accessories are lost replacements must be purchased (case: $40, charger: $40, stylus: $20). Students should purchase a set of earbuds or headphones to use with the laptops. Students should provide their own mouse if they choose.
- Can students use their own laptops or tablets instead during class?
No. In order to provide a reliable and consistent experience for students and teachers, students are expected to have their school-provided device available for every class every day.
- When will laptops be distributed?
Laptops will be distributed to students the first week of school. Each device will be registered specifically to and is intended to be used only by that student. Prior to receiving their devices, the Online Handbook Agreement needs to be completed in Skyward Family Access that details procedures regarding the use and care of the laptop.
- What if the laptop gets damaged or stops working?
If at any point a student’s laptop becomes unusable due to hardware or software problems or becomes damaged, they should bring the laptop to the Media Center for diagnosis and repair. A temporary loaner laptop or a permanent replacement laptop will be issued to the student so that they may continue to perform their required school work.
- Are there warranties provided for devices?
Mechanical and software problems associated with appropriate use of the laptops provided are completely covered under warranty, free of charge. Accidental damage to laptops including spills, drops, etc., will incur a per incident deductible of $50 with a maximum of two claims per year (each student will have their first ever claim deductible waived). Additional accidental damage claims will be charged at cost.
Accidental damage deemed to be cosmetic only may not be repaired until the end of the school year at the discretion of the FVL technology department. Other damages not covered under the accidental damage policy including cosmetic damages to the laptop outer shell will be charged at cost at the end of the year.
Families will be responsible to cover the replacement costs of lost or stolen equipment.
- Does my student need a case for the laptop?
All new students to FVL will be issued a laptop case. Returning students should bring their case back to school to use (replacement cases are available for purchase at FVL). Students will be required to store their laptops in the durable protective case issued by FVL when not in use to guard against accidental and cosmetic damage.
- Will students use their laptops in every class every day?
It is unlikely that every teacher will incorporate the device within the classroom every single day for the entire class period. However, teachers do have the expectation that students have their devices charged and accessible each school day for class as needed.
It is not the expectation that every teacher must incorporate device usage into every lesson. It should also not be assumed that students will have blanket permission to use their device in any class at any time.
- What if my student leaves the laptop at home or they forget to charge it?
Loaner laptops will be available to checkout from the Media Center. Loaner laptops may NOT be taken home and must be returned to the Media Center at the end of each day. This is a convenience that should only be used sparingly. Students are expected to have their issued device fully charged and with them each day.
- Can my student place stickers or write on the outer shell of the laptop?
No, students may not place stickers, write on, or do anything else that would affect the condition of the laptop outer shell. Families will be charged at cost for devices with cosmetic damage upon return (see warranty information above).
- When will students return the equipment?
Students will return their laptop, charger and stylus pen during the last week of school after they have completed all of their work for the year. Students should keep their case for use next year. Students that receive an approved extension for work may continue to use their laptop until their work is completed. Failure to turn in the equipment will result in the student being charged for the replacement of the equipment ($750 for laptop, $40 for charger, $20 for stylus). Students will be charged a $20 handling fee for equipment returned late without an approved extension.
P23 - Helpful Internet Resources for Families
Christian Resources for Families
- Christian Family Solutions (Christian Counseling)
- Bible Gateway (Online Bible)
- Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) (Home page for WELS)
- Conquerors Through Christ (Help for resisting porn)
- Time of Grace (Online church services)
- Forward in Christ (Newsletter from WELS)
- Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) Resources (WELS & ELS are in fellowship)
- Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) Daily Devotions (WELS & ELS are in fellowship)
Helpful Information Sources
P24 - Food Service Provider
Aramark Food Service Information
Fox Valley Lutheran High School has partnered with Aramark. to provide excellent and affordable food service for our students. Health studies show that students need proper nutrition to enable them to learn and grow in school. We work together to to provide high quality, nutritionally & economically balanced and appealing menu selections to every FVL student while providing information and education on individual responsibility and the relationship of eating at school and ensuring proper health and wellness.
Our web page aims to provide monthly menus, nutrition information, resource links and info on other special programs. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the food service program, please email or call the Food Service Director any time.
Thank you for visiting!
Ms. Monica Bauman
Food Services Manager
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number: 920-739-4441x5180
P25 - Helping Your Child Succeed
- Help your children set goals
give your children concrete expectations to work for by discussing realistic goals at the beginning of each year or grading period
- Use proper Christian motivation to encourage your children
it is easy to set rules to force students to do things your way. Remember the Bible teaches that we are all gifted in unique ways — encourage your child to develop their God-given gifts.
- Provide a good place to study
the designated study area should be quiet, well-lit, and comfortable
- Attend parent programs & parent/teacher meetings
parent programs offer the chance to learn valuable information about your children’s school and to show them that their education is important to you
- Insist on daily attendance
don’t send a message that school isn’t really important by allowing your children to miss school on days when they are not sick
- Carefully review all midterm reports and report cards
let your children know you expect to see all grade reports - don’t assume someone from the school will call if there’s a problem
- Help with time management
juggling homework, jobs and extracurricular activities is a challenge for teens. Help them learn these important techniques by encouraging them to follow a daily study plan
- Monitor homework assignments
students must take the responsibility themselves for completion of their homework. Expect and encourage this attitude in your child.
- Listen
as you talk to your children about what’s happening in school, be a good listener. Pay attention to their words, their body language, and their attitude
- Encourage independent problem solving
being able to get their own questions answered and their own problems resolved helps students gain confidence, become more independent, and gives them a sense of empowerment
- Monitor activities and jobs
keep tabs on the number of hours and how late your students are scheduled at their part time jobs as well as how they spend their leisure time at home
- Be a positive Christian role model
your words and actions have a tremendous influence on your children, their faith, and their world
- Encourage positive activities
being involved at school or in the community offers opportunities for new friendships, making a difference, and just having fun
- Be aware and be informed
know your child’s friends, know what your child is doing, know where your child is going, and talk to your child about the dangers of drinking, smoking, using drugs, and improper use of the Internet
- Set limits and boundaries
setting rules and enforcing them gives teens a much-needed sense of security
- Pray for your child & the school
prayer and Bible study are powerful ways to grow in your own faith. God promises to answer prayer and to bless his people.
P26 - Internet Safety Tips
- Learn everything you can about the internet - the web can be a great tool, but it can also be very dangerous.
- Have online-capable computers located in common family area - the more eyes to monitor computer activity, the better.
- Work together to set “family” rules - some basic rules include . . .
- Always keep your identity private - never give full name, address, phone number, school name, financial info or that of your family or friends.
- Define “appropriate” sites - avoid excessively violent, sexual or pornographic sites. Gambling sites can also cause big problems.
- Never get together with someone you “meet” online - be aware that many criminals prowl the internet looking for unsuspecting victims.
- Never respond to e-mail or chat comments that are sexual, threatening, or make you uncomfortable.
- No illegal downloading of photos, music or videos - this can be an expensive mistake these days.
- Never pose as someone else online - this borders on being illegal and is often used to cover questionable activity.
- Be aware of chatroom use & online communities - Chatroom discussions can deteriorate into raunchy sexual solicitations. Online communities like Snapchat & others can be great places to meet people, but be aware of the dangers of sharing personal info & pictures with the entire online world.
- Encourage your child to come to you with “online” problems - Teens need to know that can come to a responsible, caring adult for help.
- Use blocking & filtering technology - This is not an answer to all problems, but it does allow you to keep some bad content out of your home. Be aware that many phone plans & some video games allow Internet access.
P27 - Parent / Teacher Conference Discussion Questions
- Homework
Is homework completed thoroughly, accurately, and on time?
- Class Participation
Does my child ask questions, volunteer answers, and participate in class discussions?
- Organization
Does my child seem organized? Come to class prepared?
- Academic Success
How is my child doing in class? Is the work up to his/her potential?
- Classroom Time Management
Does my child use class time wisely?
- Attendance & Punctuality
Does my child come to class every day? On time?
- Focus
Does my child pay attention in class?
- Social Adjustment
Is my child respectful and courteous to teachers and classmates? Does my child get along well with other students?
- Strengths and Weaknesses
What is my child good at? What does he/she need to work on?
- Additional Comments
Do you have any advice or suggestions to help my child improve his/her performance?
P28 - Whom Should I Call?
- If I have a concern about an issue with a teacher?
First the teacher, and then Mr. Alan Nolte* (Principal).
- If I have concerns about my student’s academic performance?
First the teacher, then the Guidance Department*, then Mr. Uhlenbrauck*(Dean of Student Life), and finally Mr. Alan Nolte* (Principal).
- If I have concerns about discipline or incidents at the school?
First Mr. Uhlenbrauck (Dean of Student Life), and then Mr. Alan Nolte* (Principal).
- If I have concerns regarding a coach?
First the coach, then Mr. Hill* (Activities Director), and then Mr. Alan Nolte* (Principal).
- If I have concerns about financial matters?
First Mrs. Davis (Financial Controller), then Mr. Loberger* (President).
- If I have concerns about other cocurriculars?
First the advisor of the group, then Mr. Uhlenbrauck*, and finally Mr. Alan Nolte*.
*If you feel the concern, questions, or issue has not been resolved.
P29 - Obtain Work Permit for My Child
Parents and guardians are required to pay the work permit application fee at the time of purchase. After the payment has been processed the parent or guardian will receive an email confirmation and the permit will be printed and mailed directly to the employer.
- Create a Department of Workforce Development (DWD) ID
If you already have one and know how to create a permit, please scroll down below the line.- If you already have a DWD ID, you do not need to create a new ID
- Enter information about the minor applying for the work permit and their:
- Employer
- Job
- School
- Pay for minor’s work permit.
- Credit or debit (not currently available on Apple devices)
- Checking or savings account (ACH direct withdrawal)
Do you have an DWD ID and know how to create a permit?
Go to the DWD website for the above information and more.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact DWD at
P30 - Piano Lesson Policies and Link to Enroll
Piano Lessons at Fox Valley Lutheran High School
“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19
Thank you for your interest in the piano program at Fox Valley Lutheran! Music lessons can be a blessing in so many ways: they develop mind and muscle coordination that transfers to all daily activities and sports, they support the full use of both sides of the brain, improving cognition that transfers to academic achievement and better test scores. Confidence, concentration, discipline, patience, determination, and perseverance are all developed through the learning of this life-long skill. It is my prayer and intention to share not only passion for music with my students, but also a passion for using their gifts to the glory of God!
Studio Policies
Attendance & Scheduling
- Each student is scheduled for twelve 25-minute lessons per semester.
- Longer lessons may be available (time permitting) upon request.
- Lessons are scheduled during study hall and contact time.
- Before or after school times are available on a limited basis.
- Lesson time slots will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Second-semester lessons will begin in January.
- Students register and pay for one semester at a time or the full year.
Makeup Policy
- The following circumstances will result in a make-up lesson (up to 2 per semester):
- student’s illness
- family emergency
- Snow days: Lessons will be done online that day
- Pre-planned absences (such as a family vacation, school activities) may be rescheduled or made-up only if the absence has been communicated to the teacher in advance.
- Unexcused absences - will not be made up. This includes forgetting lessons and last-minute cancellations (except in an emergency)
- Makeup lessons will be scheduled during designated makeup weeks.
- In the event I need to cancel, lessons will be made up (not included in the 2-make-up total).
- News and Events: Parent communications will be via email.
- Texting: To provide more thorough communication, please call or email with questions.
- Student communication: I will request to have students’ phone numbers in order to text lesson reminders. If you are not comfortable with this, please let me know and I will not include your student.
Books and assignments
- Students need to have their own books, purchasable from Heid music.
- Lesson/repertoire books
- Theory book
- Scale book
- Assignments binder or spiral notebook.
- Intermediate to advanced students should also bring a hymnal if they have one.
Instrument Requirements
Students need a quality instrument for practicing. Acoustic pianos need to be well maintained and tuned. Digital pianos and keyboards must have 88 weighted keys, touch response, and be on a solid stand with a bench to sit on at the proper height. Students are allowed to use school practice rooms for additional practice time. Please contact me for further information about this.
Performance Opportunities
- FVL Chapel - Throughout the year, intermediate and advanced level students will have the opportunity to play hymns for chapel services.
- Church - Students are encouraged to reach out to their home congregations to play preservice for church, or an entire service if they are able!
- MusicFest (February) - This is a more “casual” performance in which all students are strongly encouraged to participate.
- WSMA Solo and Ensemble - This formal performance is done before a small audience and a judge.
- WMTA auditions (March) - My membership in the music teacher association allows my students to participate in the annual auditions. It is similar to Solo and Ensemble but it is open to all ages, has a theory test, and has fewer repertoire restrictions. It’s a rewarding experience and I encourage students to try it for at least two years. By that time, they usually have earned enough points to earn their plaque.
- Spring Informance - Is an informal performance and group activities opportunity for students to perform for each other and build a relationship within the FVL piano studio.
Student Expectations
- Students must be prepared for lessons with all necessary materials and written work completed.
- Students will have a lesson even without their materials.
- Please set a reminder on your phone calendars to remember lesson days.
- Practice between lessons is essential to the growth of a musician. Please set aside time each day for practicing without distractions.
- Practice requirement for students is 30-45 minutes per day, 5-6 days per week, not including theory homework and other assigned written activities. The amount of time needed increases with proficiency level.
- Playing through music once or twice is not efficient practice. Focused practice with goals in mind creates increased success.
- Listening is an important tool for a musician. I encourage students to listen to quality music and attend live performances as much as they can.
What you can expect from me
- Customized lesson plans, modified as needed during the lesson
- Open communication regarding progress
- Beginning students will receive a solid rhythm and note reading foundation while advancing students will receive continued theory instruction and application
- Recommendations of materials to meet student needs
Discontinuing lessons:
I never enjoy it when a student decides to withdraw from lessons but I understand the various circumstances for doing so. I ask that there is good communication before making this decision as there may be alternative options to explore. A minimum of one-month’s notice is required before discontinuing.
Feel free to reach out with questions:
Stacey Kraus
Parent Partnership
Foundational Statements
Purpose: It shall be the aim of the FVL Federation to offer a sound Christian education to all students attending this school. Such education shall be taught wholly and solely from a scriptural point of view as set forth in Article II of the Constitution. All courses of instruction and school discipline shall reflect Scriptural principles. (FVL Constitution, Article III, Section 2)
Courses of Instruction
Courses of instruction shall be maintained to prepare our graduates
For Christian living and service
To enter institutions of higher education
To enter the worker training program of the WELS (FVL Constitution, Article IV)
- FVL exists to provide a Christ-centered education to students from the FVL Federation/FVL Schools system and other WELS congregations.
- FVL exists to provide a Christ-centered education as an outreach tool to students from the Fox Valley region.
- FVL exists to provide a Christ-centered education as an outreach tool to international students.
Core Values
- Christ Centered
- Family Focused
- Relationship Driven
- Humble Service
- Pursuit of Excellence